If there’s one thing I’ve learned in life it’s that periods are not all sunshine and roses.
Whether you’re 14 or 41 you probably have some discomfort during your time of the month. For some that might mean a few uncomfortable cramps. While others experience headaches, bloating, tender breasts, diarrhea, and more.
Fortunately, in this day and age, there are lots of things we can do to make life a little easier during your menstrual cycle.
Ready to be more comfortable? Here’s a quick list of ideas to consider trying out the next time your period rolls around.
Use a Heating Pad
To be more comfortable during your period consider using a heating pad. Especially if you’re the type of person who experiences cramping. Heating pads are fairly inexpensive and provide a lot of relief. I use mine when I’m relaxing before bed binging Hulu or reading a good book.
Take a Hot Bath or Shower
Hot water works magic on tense muscles. This means fewer cramps for you. It can also help you relax if you’re feeling overly stressed. If your period is taking a toll on your overall wellbeing consider investing some time in self-care by taking a hot bath or shower.
Stay Hydrated
This one goes out to you if you’re struggling with bloating. It might seem counter-intuitive but staying hydrated can be really beneficial in reducing bloat because it flushes toxins from your system. Simply drinking more H2O can help prevent headaches and ease cramps too. Water for the win!
Do Light Exercise
Mood swings much? According to most health professionals exercising on your period is one of the best things you can do because of the amazing endorphins. Taking a few minutes to do some light exercise helps regulate your mood allowing you to feel more mentally stable.
Lean Out
Our society is super hyped up on productivity which can feel like a lot to deal with when you’re on your period. Sometimes it’s good to have a reminder that you don’t have to lean in all the time.
If you need to check out for a bit the world will go on, I promise! Take a meditation break or go for a walk by yourself.
Have Sex
Did you know that sex and masturbation can ease cramping during your period? These feel-good activities can also lead to more positive feelings because of the endorphins you release, especially when you orgasm!
Use a Comfy Menstrual Cup
Have you ever felt irritated by your tampon or worried about the smell of your pad on a heavy flow day?
All of these little inconveniences add up making your period feel more stressful. Our advice to you? Consider trying a menstrual cup.
Moral of the story- if your period products are making your period less comfortable and you want to feel more relaxed consider switching things up.